What Makes Meraki Coaching- Canada Stand Out

Author: Meraki Coaching - Canada | | Categories: Career Coaching , Coaching de vida , Women Empowerment


Thanks for stopping by our blog. If you’re looking for more information about Meraki Coaching- Canada, you’ve come to the right place.

About Meraki Coaching- Canada

We are a life and career coaching company in Edmonton, Alberta, offering a transformational mentoring program for internationally trained professionals. Since opening our doors in August 2020, we’ve operated under the umbrella of our mother company, Eagle Business Coaching.

Our proven coaching model helps people effectively adjust to a new culture with practical tools to enhance their self-esteem and self-awareness. Our clients are primarily Canadian newcomers or professionals from different fields who are planning their arrival in Canada.

We serve clients across Canada, the US, and Latin America and offer on-site and remote coaching programs in English and Spanish. Our all-year-round programs allow individuals to count on their coach at any time, particularly during the months when winter seems never-ending, and it’s more challenging to rise and flourish.

The Meraki Coaching- Canada Difference

We began amid the pandemic, as we witnessed the devastating impact that COVID-19 was having on mental and physical health. Since there were delays and uncertainty in the migration process, it affected immigrants significantly, not to mention the negative impact produced by the extremely harsh isolation conditions we all went through. Just imagine you just arrived in a new country where you have no family, friends, or cultural bonds, and you are mandated to isolate yourself for months, with no option to fly back to your country or work on your integration process.

We wanted to ensure that these individuals didn’t give up on their immigration dreams. We also wanted to help individuals cope emotionally when competing with local professionals for jobs and become thriving experts in their fields.

Therefore, our flexible program shows ambitious individuals how to become resilient when navigating uncharted waters. It leads to making informed decisions that grant them fulfillment, growth, and wellness at a holistic level.

What also sets us apart is that our founder, Ana-Maria Ortega, has decades of experience and has walked in our client’s shoes. As a former ex-pat and immigrant, Ana-Maria has made mistakes that have cost her years, tears, extra energy, and money that, with the proper guidance, could have been saved. Therefore, this has become her motive to help clients learn a safer and faster way to strategically transfer their skills, knowledge, and talents to build their lives in a land of generous opportunities.

As a result, one of our most significant achievements has been supporting highly-qualified professionals to focus on their self-awareness and career goals. It’s empowered them to land jobs in their areas of expertise while projecting stability, fulfillment, and joy to their families.

Our vision for the future is to increase the number of purpose-driven immigrant professionals thriving in Canada by assisting in eradicating anxiety and depression from their journeys.

While we are passionate about what we do, we also care about protecting the environment. Therefore, our programs and operations align with seven of the seventeen UN Goals for Sustainable Development. These include No poverty, Good Health and Well-being, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reducing Inequalities, Climate Actions, Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

We also believe in giving back to society, and as part of that belief, we discreetly support financially challenged professionals with scholarships to cover up to 100% of our programs.

To learn more about all that, we do at Meraki Coaching- Canadaplease click here. If you have any questions about how we can help you, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch with us here.

